LIU Student Forum Representatives: Katie Boutin & Josh Sites

For the past three years Katie Boutin and Josh Sites have represented the Fairfield Area High School at the LIU Student Forum. They gather with students from schools in the York and Adams counties to research areas of interest in our local high schools. The topics have varied from teen-pregnancy, problems with underage drinking, dress codes, roles of the student government, extracurricular offerings, peer pressure, post secondary planning to depression. Every year the student groups meet four times - first to meet and pick an important high school issue, the second and third sessions to research the paper and put together the presentation and the fourth to finalize and to do the presentations. This year the topics involved ideas of how to keep students motivated, changes in the school standards, the impact of using more healthy foods in the cafeterias, drug and alcohol use in our schools and representatives from each school - Administrators, Counselors, Teachers and parents are there to hear the final presentations and to ask questions of the students on their research.