• Create What You Wish to Exist

    Fairfield Area School District strives to ensure that all our students receive a rigorous and well-rounded education. Each student brings their own unique strengths, interests, and abilities and the complex task of providing expansive opportunities while designing targeted enrichment and accelerated opportunities is a challenge we embrace.

    This website will evolve as our students do with the goal of providing information, resources, and updates regarding state law/regulations, Fairfield's methodologies and actions to enrich and accelerate the education of our gifted students, and researched based practices

    In addition, through this website and additional activities, we encourage and invite parent collaboration, discussion, and participation. Your advocacy for your children is an integral part of gifted services to ensure our student first mission is fulfilled for every child.  Thank you for your continued support.

    Gifted Screening Process

    Fairfield Area School District has a system to locate and identify all students within the district who are thought to be gifted and in need of specially designed instruction. Our system includes a screening and evaluation process that meets state requirements, to determine students' educational needs. We strive for parents to serve an active role to ensure a process that is meaningful and collaborative for all.

    Fairfield's screening process can be initiated by a teacher or a parent.  Fairfield Area School District utilizes a screening tool completed by the Gifted Support Teacher. It is not considered an IQ test however it is highly correlated with such assessments and is a reliable indication of a person's intellectual capacity. The screening process also includes a review of a student's academic performance based on input form the student's teacher and performance on formal and informal assessments.  If the results of the screening indicates intellectual potential and academic performance which exceeds other students in regular education a recommendation may be made for a formal gifted evaluation to determine eligibility for Gifted Services. Parental permission is required for the District to move forward with the screening and evaluation process.

    Parent requests for a gifted screening or gifted evaluation should be issued in writing and provided to the Assistant to the Superintendent for Instructional Support.

    You can download a PDF document of Procedure Outline of Gifted Education at Fairfield Area School District here.
