• welcome
    2019-2020 School Year
    Welcome to the new and improved computer class offerings!  Beginning in the 2018-2019 school year, we started offering courses in gaming history and video game design.   We have partnered with a company called Zulama to offer these great opportunitites to our students!  
    Students must take Evolution of Games as a pre-requisite course and score at least a C to move on to GameMaker Programming 1.  For students who would like even more, can qualify with a B in GameMaker Programming 1 and move on to GameMaker Programming 2.
    Evolution of games is all about the history of games, starting in Mesopotamia and Ancient Babylon all the way through the modern day computer game.  Students will learn some basic history of the time period, they will get to prototype a gameboard, and learn to play the game as well.  The culminating project has the students create their own board games from scratch.  They will brainstorm a backround story, sketch and build their gameboards, create packaging to market their games, and even have the opportunity to design and 3-D print their own game pieces.
    GameMaker Programming 1 and 2 utilize GameMaker Studio 2 to help the students learn how to program their very own video games for use on computers.  Students begin with looking at how the gaming industry has changed over recent years, and then work into GameMaker Studio.  Students are given partially completed games to "tinker" with and learn the functions of the program.  Eventually, students will be completely programming games from beginning to end.
    If you have any questions about these new offerings, please contact Mrs. Barnes:
    (717) 642-2004
Last Modified on September 20, 2019