
    Welcome to Mrs. Phelps's Page!

    For further information on my classes and programs, please click the link below:


    "Highly Qualified Teacher": Yes
    The Department of Education seeks to have every teacher certified in
    the area in which they are teaching.  If this criteria is met, the teacher
    is "Highly Qualified".
    Name: Siri Rhys White Phelps
    Undergradaute College of Attendance: Gettysburg College
    Degree Earned: Bachelor of Arts in English Literature
    Gradaute University of Attendance: Wilkes University
    Degree Earned: Masters Degree in Educational Strategies and Techniques
    Areas of Certification: Secondary English Education (6-12)


     Thank you for visiting my site!
    I hope that is has been helpful in answering your questions and meeting your needs.


Last Modified on June 11, 2013