• ¡Hola !

    ¡Bienvenidos a la página de

    Señora Phillips!




    "Highly Qualified Teacher":  Yes
         The Department of Education seeks to have every teacher certified in the area in which they are teaching.  If this criteria is met, the teacher is "Highly Qualified".
    Universities of Attendance: Lebanon Valley College
                                                 Regent University
    Degrees Earned: Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
                                    and English Education
                                Master of Education in Teaching
                                    English to Speakers of Other Languages
    Areas of Certification: Spanish (K-12)
                                         English (7-12)
                                         English as a Second Language (K-12)


    ¡Hola y bienvenidos! This site is designed to keep parents and students updated on what is happening in Spanish class. As you explore throughout the year, you will find vocabulary lists, project guidelines, helpful links, and classroom expectations. Thank you for visiting! Come back soon!


Last Modified on July 10, 2012