Spring Preschool Program
Spring Preschool Program
The Fairfield High School Family and Consumer Science Department will be sponsoring a preschool program for children 3 to 5 years of age, at the high school. Preschool class will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9:40-10:40, March 11, 2025 to May 16, 2025. You may enroll your child in one, two, three, or four days of preschool. Please mark the days your child will be attending on the registration form. Senior high students taking the Early Childhood Education course will plan and teach art, music, science, language, and gross motor activities. There is no charge for children living in the Fairfield School District. If you wish to enroll your child in the preschool program, fill out the registration form below and return it to Mrs. Susan Donaldson at Fairfield High School. For additional information, call or email Mrs. Donaldson at 717-642-2004, donaldsons@fairfield.k12.pa.us.
2024 Preschool Requirements:
Age 3-5
Being able to separate from parent/guardian at main door of the school
Self-restroom skills