
    whole child


    Individual Counseling


    School counseling is designed to assist students with minor emotional concerns which may affect their academics.  In addition, the program is set up to help students realize and achieve personal/social, academic, and career-related goals.  A proactive, preventative approach to counseling is stressed; however, counseling is also provided during and after crises.  Referral sources for longer term counseling are available upon request.


    Classroom Guidance Lessons


    Classroom guidance lessons are taught to elementary school students in grades K-4.  Each child attends guidance class once every six days.  Information is presented to students in the following areas:

    • self-examination, including feelings, interests, and strengths,
    • decision-making,
    • assertiveness,
    • communication skills, 
    • acceptance and diversity, 
    • conflict management,
    • career exploration, and
    • study skills.   

    Group Counseling


    Group counseling is available to elementary school students, only with parental permission. 


    Topics of groups include:

    dealing with anxious feelings,

    managing anger,

    creating positive peer relations,

    dealing with changes in family dynamics, and

    working through grief or loss


    Groups are limited in number and are conducted periodically throughout the year based on need.  


    Consultation and Collaboration 

    With -




    Social Services

    school counselor