• Career Exploration/Career and Technical Education

    Career Exploration - Smart Futures

    Fairfield Area School District utilizes the Smart Futures program for career exploration starting in Grade 1 through Grade 11.  Students complete various activities in Smart Futures in the areas of Career Awareness, Career Acquisition, Career Retention, and Entrepreneurship.  The program is available to them as a resource throughout their school career and beyond.  Below is the link to the program.  If parents and guardians would like to explore the program, please ask your student to log in to their account and take you on a tour of the program and their accomplishments in the program thus far.  

    Smart Futures

    Agriculture Education at Fairfield Area High School

    Fairfield Area High School students that have an interest in pursuing a career in a field related to agriculture upon graduation are able to take advantage of several opportunities throughout their high school career, including the following:

    • Involvement in the FFA organization, which offers a wide variety of opportunities for students in agriculture and related fields
    • Completion of the OSHA certification course, typically completed in Agriculture Science II 
    • Completion of the NOCTI exam during Senior year to earn industry recognized certifications and credentials
    • An Articulation Agreement with Delaware Valley University in which students can earn college credit for their high school course work within the Agriculture Education program towards a degree at Delaware Valley University.  Please see the Articulation Agreement with Delaware Valley University at the following link for additional details and information:  Fairfield High School - Articulation Agreement with Delaware Valley University

    Adams County Technical Institute

    Adams County Technical Institute (ACTI) is a great opportunity for Juniors and Seniors to gain in-depth instruction and training in seven different career fields:  Allied Health, Building Trades, Computer Networking, Criminal Justice, Culinary Arts, Early Learning Education, and Diesel Mechanics.  

    Interested students will apply to their program of choice during their Sophomore year and attend courses at ACTI in Gettysburg during their Junior and Senior years if accepted into their program.  Students attending ACTI will receive elective credits towards graduation requirements for Fairfield Area High School.

    For additional information about Adams County Technical Institute and their programs, please visit their website at the following link:  Adams County Technical Institute's Website