•  District Career/Cyber (FACE) Coordinator

     Kayla Martin - career exploration and planning K-12  martink@fairfield.k12.pa.us , 717-642-2034

    • Implementation of PDE Career Readiness Standards
    • Coordination of the district cyber program (FACE)

      College Representatives / Military Recruiters

    Many representatives from colleges, universities, tech schools, trade schools, and military recruiters visit the high school throughout the year. Some do presentations in classrooms with permission from the classroom teacher.  Some have informational meetings in the Counseling Office — students must sign up ahead of time for a pass. Some set up tables at lunch so students can ask questions without missing class time. Please read the morning announcements daily to see who may be coming in next!


    selective service icon

                     MEN AGED 18-25 --Go to www.sss.gov
        You are required to register with Selective Service
                   IT'S THE LAW!


