Middle School Counselor
(Grades 5 - 8)
Amy Barkdoll
The Fairfield Middle School Counseling Program is designed to assist students with academic and social development needed to make the transition from Middle School to High School. In addition, the program is set up to help students realize and achieve personal/social, academic, and career-related goals. A proactive, preventative approach to counseling is stressed; however, counseling is also provided during and after crises. During times of need, the program also assists students with minor emotional troubles which may be affecting their academics. Referral sources for longer term counseling are available upon request.
Large Group Guidance
Large group guidance lessons are taught to all Middle School students across several topics. Information is presented to students in the following areas: decision-making, conflict management, effective habits of highly effective teens, substance abuse education and career exploration. The above topics outline a broad base of what is covered. Please link to the guidance lessons page to learn what your student is learning and when. There will also be resources and/or articles on the counseling pages to help assist parents/guardians and students find more information on topics covered.