• Information on Intensive Behavioral Health Services (IBHS)

    (also known as 'wraparound' services because these supports wraparound the child's home, school, and community)


    What is IBHS?

    Introduction to IBHS for Families (video link) Community Care Behavioral Health


    Links to IBHS Providers - in no particular order 

     Youth Advocate

    True North Wellness

    PA Counseling

    Laurel Life


    Most providers require Medical Assistance (MA) coverage:

    If you do not currently have MA coverage, please reach out to the York/Adams MH/IDD office and obtain a case manager. 

    A case manager can assist you as you work with agency providers.



    York Adams MH-IDD
    York County Human Services Center

    100 W. Market St. Suite 301
    York, PA 17401
    Phone: (717) 771-9618
    Fax: (717) 771-9826

    Gettysburg Office
    Phone: 717-398-0330